i-D, Jill, and The Face: Fashion's Maverick Magazines

Phil Bicker on the pioneering fashion magazines that have fostered the careers of many major photographers and stylists.

The year 1980 saw the birth in London of The Face and i-D, two independently published and quintessentially British magazines. i-D was the invention of former British Vogue art director Terry Jones, and The Face was created by former NME (New Musical Express) editor Nick Logan. These new publications signaled a bold, catalytic moment in magazine publishing, offering an escape from the constraints of mainstream media for their founders and a platform for instinctive self-expression for their contributors.

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A New Record of Small Town America

Source: http://time.com/3678370/a-new-record-of-sm...

It is little more than a decade since Alec Soth's first book Sleeping by the Mississippi—and his sophomore publication Niagara—established him as one of contemporary photography's leading lights. In the intervening years Soth has traversed the U.S., in the distinctly American photographic tradition, of Robert Frank and Walker Evans, in pursuit of his art—while consistently experimenting and pushing the boundaries of his work.

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Photographers Turn to the iPad for Independence

Source: http://time.com/3669834/photographers-turn...

Since its initial launch in 2010, the iPad has been hailed as the future, if not the savior, of mainstream magazines faced with declining sales. While certain publishers have used innovative approaches, embracing new technologies and incorporating video, photography and data-visualization, to bring the printed page to life, many of these tablet-focused iterations have preserved the limitations of a linear reading experience held over from the days of ink on paper.
A group of photojournalists is aiming to change that with the launch of Me-Mo (MEmory in MOtion), an independently published digital platform.

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Ways of Seeing

Source: http://time.com/3625800/ways-of-seeing-pho...

Whether through digital channels, print or on exhibit, the impact, influence and reach of the still image has never been greater. But with so many images fighting for our attention, how do photographers make work that most effectively stands out and connects with an audience. In this seven-part series, TIME looks back over the past 12 months to identify some of the ways of seeing—whether conceptually, aesthetically or through dissemination—that have grabbed our attention and been influential in maintaining photography's relevance in an ever shifting environment, media landscape, and culture now ruled by images.

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Losing Neverland An Unusual Portrait of Michael Jackson

Source: http://lightbox.time.com/2014/06/25/losing...

At the height of his career Michael Jackson could go no higher. A cultural phenomenon, he changed the course of popular music and for 40 years thrilled and entertained us as he did so. His private life, in contrast, became a catalogue of eccentric behavior and radically changing physical appearance. And then came the fall: A string of accusations and indictment on child molestation charges from which he never truly recovered. With his career and income in free fall, his excesses continued. Five years ago, Jackson was said to be half a billion dollars in debt.

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From the Front Lines, Regional Photographers Make All The Difference

Source: http://lightbox.time.com/2014/01/06/from-t...

Photographs by non-Western photographers are featured prominently among the best documentary images of 2013. Taslima Akhter’s haunting “Final Embrace,” taken in the aftermath of the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh, as well as a powerful Mosa’ab Elshamy photo from the violent Rabaa Square protests in Cairo both made TIME's Top 10 Photos of the Year. Meanwhile, EPA photojournalist Ali Ali’s consistently strong images of daily life from the Gaza Strip earned him the distinction of being the most represented photographer in TIME's 365 gallery.

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Teenage Precinct Shoppers by Nigel Shafran: A Look Back to 1990

There is a bracing simplicity and subtlety to the black and white portraits in Teenage Precinct Shoppers, a new book of Nigel Shafran’s work published by Dashwood Books. (“Precinct” is a British term for a pedestrian mall.)

The photos were originally published in the British style magazine, i-D, and it’s tempting to dismiss them as “merely” fashion pictures. But the photographs are as much an empathetically anthropological portrait of British youth at a particular time and place (East London, 1990) as they are an illustration of specific “types.” There is no professional styling here; instead Shafran documents the subjects as they were.

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2012 - A Year of Deja Vu

Source: http://lightbox.time.com/2012/12/18/2012-a...

In an age that, in many respects, is defined by photography, with millions upon millions of pictures being made every single day, it's close to impossible for a photographer to produce a wholly original image. Someone—somewhere—has no doubt shot a similar photo from a similar angle in a similar way. Avoiding photographic clichés in such an environment, when everything is a cliché, becomes more and more difficult by the minute.

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Pete Souza's Portrait of a Presidency

Source: http://time.com/3445820/pete-souzas-portra...

The long view of history tends to be the judge of a presidency. As President Obama embarks on a second term in the Oval Office, it may still be too early to draw conclusions about his legacy as Commander in Chief. What we do know is that Obama’s first term has been a historic one: the first African American to hold the country’s highest office, Obama and his Administration have battled a recession, passed health care reform and legislation to end the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, formally ended the war in Iraq and brought Osama bin Laden to justice.

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David Guttenfelder A New Look at North Korea

Source: http://time.com/3506317/david-guttenfelder...

Since the 1948 creation of separate governments for North and South Korea after World War II, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the North has remained behind an iron curtain, an isolated and secluded state. Our image of the country has been pieced together from pictures taken across the border at the DMZ, photographs provided by government news agencies or unauthorized surreptitious photographs taken by western photographers inside the country—until now.

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Stephane Sednaoui- 9/11 Search and Rescue

Source: http://lightbox.time.com/2011/09/05/stepha...

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, photographer and director Stephane Sednaoui awoke to a very loud plane flying low over his downtown apartment in New York City. Having been raised in Paris where the airspace is kept clear, Sednaoui had always thought it was risky to have planes flying directly over Manhattan. That morning his fears were realized when he heard a matted explosion; looking out of his window, he saw the World Trade Center’s North Tower ablaze. Sednaoui ran to his roof and within minutes was taking photos and filming the unfolding scene. "In a dramatic situation" Sednaoui says, "looking through the frame of my camera allows me to control my emotions and try to rationalize the horror going on before my eyes.”

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Justice for Rape Victims in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Source: http://lightbox.time.com/2011/02/22/justic...

The women in these photos are among the nearly 50 women who described their brutalization and rape by a unit of Congolese soldiers who attacked Fizi, D.R.C. on Jan. 1, 2011. The women’s identities have been concealed for security reasons and because rape carries strong social stigma. Their anguished stories ended with the soldiers’ trial, held in a makeshift courtroom in the lakeside village of Baraka on Feb. 21, 2011. This was the highest-profile sexual-violence case ever tried in the Central African country, and it brought a landmark verdict in a nation where thousands are believed to be raped each year by soldiers and militia groups that often go unpunished. 

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